Interrogative particles in nepali

ko-ko- को को: Repetition of the interrogative particles. We use the repetition to express the fact that the answer has a plural meaning. The same process exists in languages such as Mongolian (from the same author: Introduction to the Mongolian Language -

a) tāpaïko pariwaar-maa ko-ko hunuhunchhā?

Who is in your family??

b) tāpaï kun-kun bhaasaaa bolnuhunchhā?

Which languages do you speak?

c) tāpaï ko ghār-maa ko-ko chhān?

Who is at your home?

d) yo pāsāl-maa ke-ke paainchhā?

What things are available in this shop?

e) nepaal-maa kuk-kun din bida hunchhā?

On which days does Nepal have holidays?

f) tāpaï KaaThmaandu-maa kāhile kāhile jaanuhunchhā?

How often do you take a bath?