"There is" and "there are" in nepali language

“païnchhā - पार्इन्छ / païndaïnā – पार्इदैँन:” Expresses the availability of a product or of a thing, or the permission to do something. This verb is frequently used in shops or restaurants when asking about the availability of a product.

a) nāmāste saahuji! yāhã churoT païnchhā?

Hello, shopkeeper! Are there cigarettes here? नमस्ते साहुजी ! यहाँ चुरोट पार्इन्छ ?

b) nepaal-maa kāngāroo paaidaïnā.

In Nepal, there are no kangaroos. नेपालमा कंगारू पार्इदैँन ।

c) holland-maa coffee shop païnchhā āni gaajā khaana painchhā.

In Holland, there are coffee shops and it’s possible to buy marijuana. हल्याण्डमा कफि सप पार्इन्छ अनि गाँजा खान पार्इन्छ ।

d) mero ghār bhitrā juTTaa lyaaunā païdaïna.

It is not allowed to wear shoes inside the house. मेरो घरभित्र जुत्ता ल्याउन पार्इदैँन ।

e) thailaand-maa Seto haatti païndaïnā.

In Thailand, there is no white elephant. थार्इल्याण्डमा सेतो हात्ती पार्इदैँन ।

f) pokhāraa-maa dherai phāl-phul paaïnchhā.

In Pokhara, there are many fruits available. पोखरामा धेरै फलफूल पार्इन्छ ।

g) ausādhi-pāsāl-maa ausādhi païnchhā.

There are medicines at the pharmacy. औषधी पसलमा औषधी पार्इन्छ ।

h) nepaal-ko petrol pump-maa petrol païdaïnā.

There is no gas available at the gas station in Nepal. नेपालको पेट्रोल पम्पमा पेट्रोल पार्इदैँन ।

i) aajā-bholi nepaal-maa sun païdaïnā.

These days, there is no gold in Nepal आजभोली नेपालमा सुन पार्इदैँन ।

j) haamro gaũ-maa sājilaï paani paaidaïnā.

Water is not easily accessible in our village. हाम्रो गाँउमा सजीलै पानी पार्इदैँन ।